Stanislav Zmiev

Bio: Stanislav is the author of Cadwyn, the world's most sophisticated API Versioning framework, and in their spare time they have also authored many smaller open-source projects, all of which can be found via their Github profile.

Role: Tech Lead of Platform Engineering

Company: Tech Lead of Platform Engineering

Industry: Monite

API Evangelist Conversation with Stanislav Zmiev, Tech Lead of Platform Engineering at Monite

A very focused conversation on change management and versioning with Stanislav Zmiev, Tech Lead of Platform Engineering at invoicing and bill pay provider Monite. Stanislav had an extremely nuanced and pragmatic view of API versioning, which I think sets the stage for a very healthy discussion for any company looking to version their mission critical APIs.

Who are you?
Hi, my name is Dennis Loves Me. I'm a tech lead of platform engineering at Monite. I am, uh, I guess, uh, I also love APIs. I love making them good, but not just the APIs. Uh, I also do open source. I do publications, uh, podcasts, uh, conferences, all sorts of things. Essentially, I just love the technology. And, uh, I love talking about APIs.
Why is API change management important?
Well, it's not always important, I guess. Um, So when you have a very small API that is used only by internal clients, especially repository as you, you know, they've got the same kind of deployment as you, then managing API changes is easy, you know, you just change things at the same time, or, you know, You do them in three steps of like, you know, extending the API, then, um, changing, switching your client, and then, uh, switching your API, removing, uh, what you had in the old one. It's very simple, but once your API becomes public, Once your API starts being used by external clients, and especially once your company is built around your API, which is the case for some companies which call themselves API first company, that's where we have the problem. Because every time we mismanage anything regarding our API, for example, if we change it, uh, at a breaking change, our clients are going to be broken, our clients are going to lose money. Same goes for when, for example, you know, we're not doing it accidentally, but you know, we, we decided that we want to change something about it, you know, a new feature, whatever, but the feature, uh, is a breaking change in the API. You know, it requires new arguments or we're renaming something again, even if we tell our clients beforehand, if they miss it, or if anything else happens, they're going to be broken. They're going to be losing money. And as a result, we're also doing it. So. Which is why we're taking great care of making sure that our clients never break.
What is API versioning?
Essentially, API versioning in its simplest form is saying, okay, this for, uh, this version of API has these endpoints with these schemas, whatever we were returning this things. And then we add like a path, uh, variable of say, where we say V2 of the same path. It's going to have different endpoints or, you know, different response, uh, responses or whatever, different business logic. And we just say that this endpoint exists in this API, this, and another endpoint exists in that API. So essentially it's having two versions, two, uh, instances of your API deployed at the same time. And there are like a billion ways to do this, but, uh, nobody tells you which these ways are.
Why did you build your versioning solution as open-source?
I guess, uh, calling, calling us just the payments API is not enough. Uh, Monite does everything regarding to invoicing and documents. Essentially, we, uh, we are embedded invoicing, where we are a super app that does integrations with, uh, accounting providers, payments providers, all sorts of things. So we do a lot more than just payments. Uh, but yeah, the, um, The reason, the reason I built it is as an API first company that Monad is, we take great care of our APIs. And we have multiple clients that are using it, using different versions of it. And at some point, we started trying out the basic solutions, you know, Oh, let's, let's just copy this code for one version, you know, paste it and let's see how it goes. You know, the, the, the simplest approach. We were, we were also thinking about, oh, should we use semantic versioning or date based versioning? Where should we put it? We decided to put it into the header instead of the path. But instead, we should have thought, well, how do you actually manage these versions? It's because when you copy them, um, after five versions, you have five times the code and that is impossible to manage. That, that becomes really bad. I've heard of people doing 20, uh, versions like this. Happily, this wasn't us. Um, for us, it has become so painful that at some point I decided to, you know, look elsewhere. I decided to look at how other companies do it. That's when I found, uh, what Stripe does. And, uh, essentially I spoke with, uh, Brander Leach, the guy, one of, one of the guys managing it at Stripe, uh, before, you know, I, we, we, we discussed how versioning could be done and that's where I got the idea for the framework that I built. It's called Cadwin. Essentially, it's, it does rolling API version. Our developers support, and Stripe does a similar thing, I guess, Uh, our developers support only the latest version of the API, And they describe, every time they make a breaking change, Every time they, uh, make a new version, They describe the difference between the previous version and this version. This allows us to essentially know how the versions have been changed. What has been breaking and as a result, we, we have a tool that allows us to Automatically convert every version into every other version as a result Our developers have to support only one version, but our clients are getting all of them at once if our client wants version from 2022 I guess 2023 But I guess, uh, 2022 is not used anymore, so we've already discontinued it. But, uh, all of the versions that are active, that are used by someone, you can, you know, you can freely use it or upgrade. And, uh, oftentimes it allows us to even ship features to older versions. So you don't even have to upgrade to get some of the new features. And I guess this is the biggest thing about it. It's cheap and easy to support.
What is the cost of API versioning?
Well, so the, the most expensive part of it, I guess, is building such a framework. It, it took me, you know, incredible amount of time to, uh, get it just right. Uh, thankfully, Catwin has all sorts of documentation on how to build such a framework because nobody ever described it. So it's probably going to be easier, but after you build it, you, you start running into unforeseen problems. Uh, you know, you're like, okay, we're just changing our versions. But then all of a sudden you realize that in some versions, well, in some newer versions, the data is a little bit different. The data, your data might have a different structure and your developers, especially if they have never versioned, they're running into this state of, um, thinking that versioning data is fine, that now we're versioning everything, not just, uh, the API con. And that's, uh, where you start getting into the problems of, Oh, the client created this thing on version one, but then in version three, three, they started trying to use it and some errors and then the reverse is also true. They created a version two, three, but then started using version one, whatever it's, it's crazy. And so my recommendation to anybody, any startup, any company that is, uh, you know, thinking of doing versioning, be careful. It comes with a huge price. It's incredibly steep. And, uh, yes, it allows you to make, like, the perfect API in terms of the design. It allows you to change your design at any time without affecting your clients. It allows you to, you know, make it pretty, make it easy to, you know, uh, to evolve. But the initial investment of, uh, learning, you know, teaching your, uh, developers how to work with, of managing these API change logs, Of, uh, building the framework of, uh, you know, managing all these versions. Sometimes it's, it's a work of art, you know, to, to create a new version without breaking old stuff because your data might simply be incompatible. So my recommendation, think very carefully. And for smaller startups, I would, uh, suggest, you know, to postpone it until they have more money, more developers until they have shipped the actual product. Because if my belief is that even the, if the product is not perfect. And at the API level, if, um, it, if it fulfills its purpose, if we can sell it, then we should sell it first and only then should we, you know, make the API beautiful,
Is the Stripe API a standard when it comes to versioning?
So, Stripe is a big name that allows, that allows Cadwin to, that allows me to say, Hey guys, you know how these guys do it really well? Well, we're doing the same thing. This is, this is essentially, uh, me just, uh, you know, trying to explain who we were, uh, who I was following when, uh, developing, um, I think Stripe is at the top of the industries, you know, somewhere at the top in terms of the API quality in terms of the story they tell with the, their API and most of the, um, providers in terms of, you know, FinTech in one way or another are inspired by Stripe. So if Stripe, you know, starts doing something tomorrow, I'm sure there will be 20 more companies that start doing the same thing. Simply because, yeah, they are a big name and their APIs are of a high quality. Should every company follow that? I don't think so. I think that, uh, the companies should first consider what they need specifically for their product. Uh, and that's, that includes, you know, V4. If you, if you're sure that you have the money right now and that your business model is really fit for API first, then yeah, good, follow Stripe in their, uh, version. It's good, and I I failed to find any better approach. There are similar approaches. There are approaches that are really good for internal clients, but for external clients, I don't think there is anything that beats them just yet. At least publicly.
What motivates you?
I guess it's two things. Um, I, mainly one. I really like the people around me and, um, when I was contributing to open source, it was always because of someone. It was always because, you know, I wanted to solve someone's problems. Uh, some of the time it's me, but most of the time it's my colleagues or the people in open source that I see, you know, complaining about stuff. And, you know, the feeling of bringing, you know, Bringing the solution to someone and solving their, maybe not just a business problem, but a tooling, a technological problem where, you know, a developer just becomes a tiny bit happy, happier working on your tooling. That's the feeling that drives me and that drove me throughout. And I guess that's, that's why I became a platform engineer in the first place, because, you know, your clients are so close to you, it's a, you know, you're always getting this fast feedback.

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