Are you an API producer, consumer, service provider, tooling provider, or analyst?

Tim Lane, Software Developer at ACME Corporation
I produce and consume APIs. I wouldn't say I'm good at it, but probably better than most. I take the time to think about the business and technology of APIs, and I slow down enough to put on the hat of my API consumers. I like a simple API. I don't like it when my APIs get too big and bloated. I prefer to keep them separate and modular unless they work together to accomplish a specific business objective. I take care to make sure my APIs are intuitive and easy to understand because I have used a lot of APIs in my career and I do not want people to go through the pain and suffering that I have gone through over the years.
Kin Lane, API Evangelist at API Evangelist LLC
Well, be all the above. I produce, consume, sell services, build tools, and I've been analyzing the API space since 2010. I personally think it's important to be [00:02:00] both an API producer and consumer, actively thinking about both sides of the equation. I've also learned to build services and tools for the space, which has really helped me understand the business dynamics of selling to the enterprise, as well as being sold to while working in the enterprise. My views as an analyst, I think, is where I shine though. It really brings a unique perspective to the space. But honestly, it's also where I seem to cause the most problems and get in the most trouble.

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