Do you use JSON Schema?

Kin Lane, API Evangelist at API Evangelist LLC
I do. It's really the most important API specification in my toolbox. More important than my own specification, API is JSON, or even OpenAPI, as they both depend on JSON Schema. Thanks a lot. JSON schema is the most important API specification in my opinion because it defines and validates everything. It allows me to move forward confidently as long as I take the time to define the JSON schema for whatever digital object I'm working with. Every piece of information in every process in my world is defined as JSON schema. I use [00:07:00] AJV and then other services and tooling to validate that all along the way. JSON schema is one of the most ubiquitous. As well as invisible API specifications out there, which every enterprise depends on, but people are largely unaware that it exists or how to properly configure it and use it.

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