How do you operate your APIs?

Sebastian Loch, Business Development at FatSecret
Yeah, i'm not technically myself So i'm not a developer, but obviously I work with developers almost 24 7. Um, So we built a pretty standard rest api in 2010. It was a free and open api Um that people could tap into it obviously authenticates via all of 1. 0 and 2. 0 You And, you know, we hosted with AWS, so, you know, very, very low latency and it's got great coverage all over the world. We, we have a, as I said, a global business, so we have, we have clients, customers, API developers, almost in every country of the world, close to 40, 000 developers now using the API. So it has to be, you know, accessible from anywhere with minimal latency. Um, and then we have, in terms of the API calls, we have, you know, a food lookup, which we call food search, and we have barcode scanning, we have autocomplete search, similar to what, what Google does, where you can autocomplete a query, like when a user say an English speaking user types in B A N A, we know they're looking for a banana. Um, and then that will be made even, you know, even easier with natural language processing and image recognition. But yeah, high level, it's a very standard REST API, um, hosted with AWS. Um, That, that provides all sort of standard of authentication. And then we have what we call three legged OAuth as well. It's a protocol whereby a lot of health and fitness apps in particular use three legged OAuth to, to sync user data back and forth, like Apple, you know, Apple Health, Google Fit does it as well, whereby, um, A user might use a, a mobile application and they, they lock their foods or they keep track of their weight or keep track of their exercise and they can sync that data back into a public repository like Apple Health and Google Fit, or they sync it straight back into another third party app, which is something we, we provide in Power as well.

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