Is artificial intelligence more than training with APIs and access AI with APIs?

Sebastian Loch, Business Development at FatSecret
Yeah, a hundred percent. And then we tried to do it ourselves back in the day, say, um, In 2016, we started our own image recognition technology. So we hired our own team to build machine learning capabilities. Um, and that was sort of pre AI or what, what people now perceive as AI and call AI obviously was some extent that, but, um, one time to say all these things that people have built in say 2012, even 2020, it's largely, Irrelevant now, like the modern day LLMs, you know, they've become so good that most things that you build in house, whether you have two people, 10 people, or 20 people working on it, we know that the modern day big tech giants, they have a hundred people, 200 people sitting there doing this with, you know, much greater scale and much greater impact. So, There's so many really robust out of the box solutions now that you can tap into that will make things for the consumer. No, looking at the consumer, it'll make life for the consumers so much easier. And we try and always look back. What's the best possible solution for the use out there.

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