Is business development important when it comes to selling to AI applications?

Sebastian Loch, Business Development at FatSecret
Yeah, a hundred percent. And that's why we're trying to innovate and build on top of our existing API. Um, Substantially. So we've probably neglected that side of our business for maybe six, seven, eight years, and we focus possibly too much on our consumer side, um, of the business where we run a calorie counting app. It's called fat secret calorie counter by secret has about 130 million downloads. But now we're trying to, to leverage, for example, AI capabilities to build on top of our existing API platform. For example, we want to embed, or we will be embedding image recognition very soon, natural language processing. Um, and many other features that are sort of, they, they were kind of out there in the past, say five, six, 10 years ago, you could use like, yeah, large language models weren't really the thing back then. But machine learning obviously did exist 10 years ago already. So you could build somewhat very basic, um, natural language processing capabilities and very basic image recognition technology. But now. Obviously in the modern day and age and the modern AI world, it's much more easier to build really solid and robust, um, features that help people, you know, look up nutrition information to lock their foods way more easily to reduce friction. Um, and I think that's, that's where the future lies. So we really have to, you know, push ourselves every day and innovate harder and faster than, than what we've done in the past to stay relevant.

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