Is OpenAPI a contract?

Robert Buchanan, API Evangelist at Procter & Gamble
Yeah. OpenAPI is a contract now. The OpenAPI spec, as we've talked many times, is limited, and I wish it was a bit more open than it is, but it is a contract that helps us, you know, standardize how we communicate these things. And I did see recently the OpenAPI initiative launched, uh, I forget what it's called, but they're talking about the flows of it. Yeah. [00:08:00] ORAZO. ORAZO. Yeah, so that I haven't taken a deep dive look into it, but it does help part of that contract in the documentation of like, here's a way that people use this contract to get the job done. Um, and it really, you know, benefits us of that, that contract to say, this is how you interact with it. This is what's required for us to process the data, but ultimately you need to decide how you're going to use it as a consumer. We're just here to help you use it. Right.

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