Should business people be involved with APIs?

Robert Buchanan, API Evangelist at Procter & Gamble
I believe that if you are treating APIs as a product, any product manager who has an offering that includes APIs should have at least, you know, 101 and maybe even 201 knowledge of APIs. They should understand the patterns. They should understand what makes a good API. And a lot of this stuff is, you know, very, uh, Complimentary to what they already know of software products or even physical products, right? If we look at any item on the shelf, you want to have good documentation on how to use the item. You want to have a good user experience in using the item. You want to have a good, you know, way to purchase the item. If, if you don't have those things, you're not going to sell many items. And I think that's where product really needs to step in and not just say, Oh, it's a technical thing. It's just an implementation, but more of, again, taking that pride in the work of saying this is something I'm selling. This is something, even if it's to the team next to me, they're my customers. I'm selling it to them. I need to make it good. So they love it.

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