What are the different types of APIs?

Dale McCrory, Software and Product Management Leader at Breeze Strategy
That's a, that's a great question. That's a great question because Yes. Typically when the first thing a product manager gets hit with APIs is just because their developers are building a single page application and they need REST APIs to connect to react or something like that. So there's a bunch of REST APIs that are built. They're using authentication tied to JWT or some front end mechanism. And, you know, and then they're like, Oh, we've got APIs. And then someone's like, okay. That's great. Um, that's called an internal API, by the way, that's a private internal API. It's not designed for public consumption, but then someone's like, okay, we do need to do this strategic integration. They're like, well, can we take that one that we built for the UI over there to kind of like use it for the strategic integration? And the developers are like, no, it really wasn't designed for that. And then someone's like, well, how do we actually repurpose? I mean, the functionality is there. The contract kind of exists. The business process is really cludgy. It'd take like eight API calls over here, but we really need an API that does like all that and like one API call. And then somebody needs to think that through and design that is that an architect, you know, a product manager gets in there and says, well, I understand what needs to be in there and what doesn't. And that's really what, um, you know, at that particular stage, you know, you're looking at before you get to the ecosystems and trying to build all sorts of other external public stuff.

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