What is API Conversations?

Kin Lane, API Evangelist at API Evangelist LLC
Well, API conversations are just a continuation of the conversations I enjoyed as the API evangelist from 2010 through 2019, as well as taking what I learned from the 125 plus episodes of my Breaking Changes podcast at [00:03:00] Postman. I really learned a lot talking to folks. about APIs, and realize how dependent I am on these conversations for my feedback loops. I'm looking to recreate this, but this round I'm looking to keep things short, concise, and focused on micro conversations, but also the macro level awareness that's generated by documenting these conversations. I'll be producing transcripts and other aggregate data from across the conversations I have. And then I'm going to use this to drive my services and storytelling across the API evangelists. I'll be pro I'll be prioritizing producer and consumer practitioners over service providers and tooling providers. I'll still talk to them, but I'm really going to prioritize people who are on the ground making things happen.

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