What is not a priority but wish it was?

Kin Lane, API Evangelist at API Evangelist LLC
Well, I would say building tools. I wish I had more time and honestly more ability to build industrial grade micro tools, uh, across the API lifecycle. I would like to make more tools be purely local and, and to service enterprises who are, are really kind of adverse to the cloud and, and would like things running locally. I would like to make tools that stitch together and do many things in concert. But really can also run individually. I think that API services and tools tend to get bloated and become a hotel California is over time, meaning you can't ever leave. I'm a big fan of small desktop and web tools that won't do one thing well and are free and open source. I would love to spend all my time here building the tools that are needed around APIs, JSON, open schema, but you know, really, I just don't have the time. the discipline or the proper skills to do it. So, I mean, I can hack together simple JavaScript widgets and back end APIs, but I only know enough to be dangerous.

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