What is your role?

Tim Lane, Software Developer at ACME Corporation
I'm a software engineer.
Kin Lane, API Evangelist at API Evangelist LLC
I'm the API evangelist.
Pat Patterson, Chief Technical Evangelist at Backblaze
I have the wonderful, grandiose title of Chief Technical Evangelist at Backblaze.
Sebastian Loch, Business Development at FatSecret
I'm the head of business development here at FatSecret and I look after our platform API business.
Daniel Kocot, Head of API Consulting at codecentric AG
I'm being a head of API consultancy for CodeCentric in Germany. So doing stuff with customers in regards of APIs.
Jamie Tanna, Engineering Productivity at Elastic
I am a number of different things. Um, so I have ADHD, which also means that feeds into lots of different things. So I'm a blogger, I'm a software engineer. I'm a collector of open source projects. Um, uh, most notably recently the OAPI CodeGen, go open API to go code generator. It's all my big ones.

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