What worries you most about the future?

Robert Buchanan, API Evangelist at Procter & Gamble
Uh, truthfully, I think the education and the knowledge that we're teaching engineers or software engineers, I, I think, um, and I know Depending on the community, if you use the word engineer, people question, because we're not taking the approaches that other engineer fields do. Right. We're not doing a lot of education in this way. I mean, if you go look out and we have these app schools that are great to get someone started to get into a junior role, the companies aren't taking that education and then doing more with it. Right. We're kind of putting people into the deep end with just enough knowledge to be dangerous, but we're not hardening them with the foundations or, you know, Computer science, uh, rigor to say like, yeah, this is the academic approach. Here's the practical approach. Here's hardened ways to do things. And more and more people are coming out with, you know, allure to tools like, um, a lot of the GraphQL, uh, hype is I can take my database to make an API in like three clicks. because they don't know all the things they don't know. And it's, it's a failure on the IT industry of education. Like it's almost as if, and I hate certifications because it's usually book knowledge versus practical knowledge. But it's almost like companies should have a way to do continuous education with their engineers as a requirement for them to be safe and to be knowledgeable. But I do think the, the education and the way that we You know, hype everything up as quick and easy is our downfall. It's going to make it to where we lose a lot of that lower level language, lower level thought process and really solving real problems versus solving semantic sugar problems.

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