Who are you?

Tim Lane, Software Developer at ACME Corporation
I'm Tim Lane.
Kin Lane, API Evangelist at API Evangelist LLC
Oh, my name is Kin Lane.
Pat Patterson, Chief Technical Evangelist at Backblaze
I am Pat Patterson.
Stanislav Zmiev, Tech Lead of Platform Engineering at Monite
Hi, my name is Dennis Loves Me. I'm a tech lead of platform engineering at Monite. I am, uh, I guess, uh, I also love APIs. I love making them good, but not just the APIs. Uh, I also do open source. I do publications, uh, podcasts, uh, conferences, all sorts of things. Essentially, I just love the technology. And, uh, I love talking about APIs.
Sebastian Loch, Business Development at FatSecret
Hi Ken. My name's Sebastian.
Adam DuVander, Technical Content Strategist at EveryDeveloper
Adam Duvander. I, uh, I long ago worked with you for a brief moment at Programmable Web when I was the editor there of the API directory and, and news source. Uh, and, uh, now I run a company called Every Developer, which works with companies that want to reach a technical audience, have a technical product, need, need someone techy to use it.
Daniel Kocot, Head of API Consulting at codecentric AG
I can. My name is Daniel.
Dale McCrory, Software and Product Management Leader at Breeze Strategy
Hi. My name is Dale McCrory, and I'm an experienced product manager doing A P I S in the enterprise and technology industry. And SAS world for a long time and, uh, currently have a consulting company that I started up as well, um, to kind of help, help others with their strategies and technology strategies. And, uh, and so that's kind of what I've been doing, doing this for over 20 years at this point, I think.
Robert Buchanan, API Evangelist at Procter & Gamble
I'm Robert Buchanan, um, coming here from, uh, Procter Gamble where, um, we're doing some interesting things with the API program.
Jamie Tanna, Engineering Productivity at Elastic
Hey Ken, I'm Jamie Tanner.

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