Why do people see APIs as just a technical thing?

Robert Buchanan, API Evangelist at Procter & Gamble
So I think a lot of it is business wants to do it fast. They don't do proper funding on development. They hear buzzwords from the industry. So partly it's our own fault in the industry of like, I can download this library and, you know, build an API in minutes. Well, no, you can get started in minutes. You can't finish in minutes, right? It's a lot of the big hype of the AI right now. It's like, oh, I can generate a website from an AI prompt. Sure. But there's a lot of problems with those prompts. There's a lot of problems with the end result. Could you get the base started? Absolutely. Now start tweaking and enhancing it. That's where you need the knowledge and expertise. We're forgetting to have that knowledge and expertise.

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