Why should business leadership care about APIs?

Dale McCrory, Software and Product Management Leader at Breeze Strategy
Yeah, it's, it's a, it's a great question. Um, a lot of times in the, in, if we're just talking about the enterprise space before you get into like software as a service and that sort of thing, but if you're a normal classical enterprise, a lot of your integrations, uh, historically have been going directly to databases. You might have a, you might have developers who are used to doing it that way. And they've, they've built a lot of, a lot of integrations to databases and over time, what happens is not only do you lose those developers and, you know, but, but you're also losing out on opportunities for business agility. So being able to actually use data in different places in a quicker way. And, um, and, and this is, and it's a, it's an aspect of how many, how many people need to know about change as well. So there's a big change management aspect to APIs. It's probably one of the leading, leading needs that you need as a, as a business owner in the enterprise world or business manager is like, Hey, how do I know that I didn't make a change in system X that impacted system Y? Especially when you get a lot, a number of teams working on a single, single problem. And then, you know, you always get like, well, why didn't, why didn't this team tell me about the change over here? Do you know what, like, that's a great question. We should have done that. You know, and then someone says, well, if we had a good, really nice API around here, we could have actually, you know, made a non breaking change. And you would have never, you never would have even known that we made that change. Right. And that's a spot that a lot of enterprises are still in as their teams are trying to work together. Right. And, and, you know, like sticking to, uh, an API first mentality, uh, limits, limits risk. And that's a big deal.

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