
These are the questions we ask during API Evangelist converstions. The goal isn't to limit to these questions, but to provide a potential baseline across all conversations. You can click on each on to see answers across conversations, or check which questions you'd like to be asked, and submit for consideration as a discussion.

What is your background?
Who are you?
What is your role?
Where do you work?
Where is the source of truth for APIs?
What industry do you work in?
Are you an API producer, consumer, service provider, tooling provider, or analyst?
Do your teams have the API education they need?
Are you an API consumer?
Are you an API service provider?
Are you an API tooling provider?
Are you an API analyst?
Are you API design-first or code-first?
What keeps you going each day?
What is API Conversations?
What is the top mistake you see people make doing APIs?
Why do APIs matter?
Why do people see APIs as just a technical thing?
Why do you use OpenAPI?
What is your biggest challenge with APIs?
Are APIs a priority with your leadership?
Are APIs more than just technical?
Do you govern your APIs?
Do you have a public developer portal?
Do you work with REST APIs?
How did you learn about APIs as a business stakeholders?
How do you generate value from APIs?
How long have you been an evangelist?
Is artificial intelligence more than training with APIs and access AI with APIs?
Is business development important when it comes to selling to AI applications?
Is OpenAPI a contract?
Is the Amazon S3 API a standard?
Should business people be involved with APIs?
What are custom HTTP methods?
What are the different types of APIs?
What book are you reading right now?
What do you mean by S3 compatible storage?
What does it mean to operate an API in an AI-driven landscape?
What is the difference between API and SDKs?
What is the most effective tool in your API toolbox?
What is the most interesting part of your job?
What worries you most about the future?
Why do businesses need an API product manager?
Why do you think people don’t care about APIs?
Why do you use the title technical evangelist?
Why is it so hard to understand the semantics of APIs?
Why should business leadership care about APIs?
Are APIs a priority with your leadership?
What is a priority for you right now?
What book are you reading?
What is not a priority but wish it was?
Do you use OpenAPI?
Do you version your APIs?
How do you document your APIs?
How do you document your APIs?
How do you operate your APIs?
How do you secure your APIs?
How do you test your APIs?
How do you version your APIs?
What is the cost of versioning your APIs?
Do you use AsyncAPI?
Do you use JSON Schema?